Boyne Citizen

Serving the Boyne community for over a century and a quarter.

Will You Be There?
Earnest Invitation Extended To All Business and Professional Men

As announced last week, an effort is being made to stimulate an interest among the business and professional men of the city toward the organization of an association for the general good of its members and the village, and if possible a regular board of trade.

The idea is not any one person's property, but has been suggested to the editor by several, and left to us to push along to the first meeting, after which it is expected all will take an interest and keep such a good thing alive. Consequently we have the promise of the Odd Fellows hall for the next Thursday evening, Feb. 19, and hope to see every person present at eight o'clock. A program about as follows will be carried out:

Recitation--Ed. Watton.
Boyne City, past and present--F. M. Chase.
Song--Ed. V. Smith.
Extending Boyne city's field for trade--J. B. Watson
Practiacability of a board of trade--W. H. Matthews.
Song--J. S. MacCall
The City's needs--W. W. Bailey.
Impromptu address by all who may be called upon.
Organization, appointment of committee for program for future meeting, etc., ad infinitum.

There is much of good for individual and town to be gained from a movement such as this, and the meetings may be made as much sociable as businesslike with very little time and trouble. Don't think because you may have not been approached regarding the movement that you have been slighted or snubbed. We are relying on The Citizen to present the matter to all, and it rests with you whether the effort is a success of failure. Think of something for the good of the society between now and next Thursday, then take an hour or two from you regular routine and attend. Also see to it that some of the rest go. Then we can have such an enthusiastic gathering that a world of good cannot fail to be accomplished.

Improvements in Order
A Number are Contemplated by Enterprising Business Men.

The flattering outlook for a busy summer season will be the incentive to a great many improvements in stocks and interiors of many of our stores - One of which we are now aware will call for an outlay of more than a thousand dollars, which speaks volumes for the confidence of the investor in Boyne City and its future.

As soon as the proper time arrives the Watson drug store will install on of the handsomest soda fountains in Nothern Michigan. It is styled the "LaFayette". The front of the body is of selected onyx, with the exception of the cornice and ends, which are of marble, each end being inlaid with beautifully blended Mexican onyx. A handsom carved top of oak, mahoganized, surmount the body, with electrolier in center. The top is supported at the front with handsomely designed columns. The fountain has a capacity of twelve syrups and five drafts, being large enough to meet any demand for years to come. The interior of the drug store will be arranged so that a couble of tables, shut off partly by handsome screens, will accommodate small parties who desire to have ice cream served them in this manner.